Yes we can. Travel fees are calculated based on distance.
Bookings can be canceled, but deposits are not refundable.
Everyone should come to their services with fully dry hair and no make up. Please, inform us in advance about all blowouts, otherwise our team comes WITHOUT blow dryers.
On your wedding day, we want to make you feel confident and look dazzling, enhancing your natural beauty and revealing your true self.
Trials are optional, but if you decide you want one we suggest not doing a trial too early. We recommend doing a trial no more than 6 months before your wedding date.
1. Get in touch with us and let us know more about your wedding day. We will inform you of our availability on the date within 48 hours.
2. Complete the agreement once provided
3. Submit your non-refundable and non-transferable deposit*
4. On your special day, we want to make you feel confident and look dazzling, enhancing your natural beauty and revealing your true self.
*Your date is secured only when your deposit is received
Lemondy is a group of top artists and stylists in New York City with the most advanced and current techniques who have worked alongside and trained with the best in the industry.
Send us a Message
We have a customer service team that is ready to assist you. One of our beauty experts will contact you about your event or to answer any questions that you have!
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